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Practical Implications of Stress

Mental Effects of Stress

Stress occurs when a person finds that they are incapable of mobilizing their intellectual, physical and social resources to meet the demands of a situation. Most stress is generated from:

  • work overload,
  • competing priorities,
  • conflict with colleagues,
  • an unhappy work environment,
  • anomalous values and
  • overdemanding deadlines.

Stress at the Initial Stage

Stress initially acts in a subtle manner in our normal working life without threatening our survival. The impact of stress does not manifest itself dramatically. Its intensity is so low that we do not notice it. Usually a person experiences stress when he/she is frustrated or interrupted, more so when he/she encounters new and challenging situations. The amount of stress that a person suffers from depends upon the imagined damage a person thinks a situation can do to them. The sense of threat is seldom physical - in fact, it can be a perceived threat to personal standing in society. Just as the real threat is in life, a person's response to the imagined threats trigger hormonal responses with negative consequences.

Inferiority Complex

When this feeling deepens, it takes the form of an inferiority complex, resulting in the loss of self esteem and self confidence. Stress acts like a slow poison. The person becomes so diffident about their abilities that they stumble while walking on a smooth path. They fumble for obvious words and stammer while they talk. They yearn for sympathy and understanding, but gets reprimanded from their superiors and ridicule from their friends. The more they expose themselves to new situations, the more mistakes they commit, resulting in further aggravation of their physical and psychological problems. They feel threatened by challenges.

Corporate Scenario

In the corporate scenario, a stressed person cannot execute business decisions precisely. Their heart starts pounding. They start trembling and sweating whenever they is confronted with new challenges requiring bold and innovative decisions. Their obsession with their own weaknesses and their focus on survival interfere with their ability to take initiatives and make sound judgments. They cannot draw the right conclusions from the available resources. They cannot take the right financial decisions.

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Quotes from the Team at Stress Management
~ to help you relieve stress in your life ~

You are the master of your own future, you can achieve whatever you wish, determination and positive thoughts will become the beacon for the path to success. Do not allow fear to hinder your progress.

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