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Strain and Tension: Common Leading Causes of Stress

Stress is an inevitable experience that people deal at some point of their lives. People encounter stress as unique as themselves. Most causes of stress are diverse and may result in a downward motion of physical and emotional health. In order to fight and overcome stress, one should first dis tinguish the different causes of stress in order to handle certain circumstances that may arise with clarity and preparedness. To some individuals, the causes of stress may come from career to home and relationship. Worrying, along with exhaustion, can create one of the most significant causes of stress. To ward off these causes, it is essential to have a time management. Below are some of the common leading causes of stress among people across the globe.

One of the leading causes of stress is the finances. Most researches show that finances are the leading cause of stress. In an online pool conducted around 2005, about 23 percent of the respondents said that finances are the common cause of their stress in their lives. Another leading cause of stress is work. Jobs and careers seem to cause continuous stress. Workplace has become the avenue for stress because individuals become worry about getting and keeping adequate employment. Also, some worry about the new work or new responsibilities. Others struggle to climb a career ladder, which are overwhelmed by the demands. Work organizations may change, or an impending interpersonal problem may arise at work.

Families can also become a leading cause of stress. Although every household member may be wonderful to deal with, arguments may still erupt with a spouse or any other family member. Parents may undergo divorce, while children leave home and marry. The vacillation of family life has been filled with stress. Family health can also lead to stress. Instances like a sick family member, a serious injury in the family, miscarriage, and abortion can all cause stress. Also, relocation, job changes and adoption can trigger stress. Another leading cause of stress is indirect personal concerns. Lack of control, for instance, tops the list of personal concerns. For most individuals, a lack of control over their own time can cause stress. Pile-up of errands like working on a job, partaking in children’s carpool to school, driving kids to soccer practices, and shopping for home use can trigger major stress.

Personal health and safety, relationships, and death are also common triggers of stress. Some individuals find personal health as a leading cause of stress. They pictured out that obesity and desire to lose weight is attached to stress. On the other hand, others think that stress is a personal habit that affects health and should be changed. Alcohol abuse and smoking are some of the personal habits that one should change. Another cause of stress is a relationship. Conflicts and misunderstandings may arise in a relationship, which can really cause stress. Finally, a death of a loved one or a close friend can be the most devastating cause of stress. Stress can be overwhelming when someone passed away. These are some of the leading causes of stress. Once these triggers are identifies, one will know how to deal and manage stress.


Quotes from the Team at Stress Management
~ to help you relieve stress in your life ~

You are the master of your own future, you can achieve whatever you wish, determination and positive thoughts will become the beacon for the path to success. Do not allow fear to hinder your progress.

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